Parent Programs
We are here to support our community and provide programming and resources that aid parents with their children so everyone can grow and thrive.
We are here to support our community and provide programming and resources that aid parents with their children so everyone can grow and thrive.
Throughout the year, PIC offers free educational programs for parents and families on a variety of topics. There are often communication groups for parents and experiences with high school students.
A drug-free, youth leadership club for Clinton residents. All Clinton youth grades 5-8 are eligible to join Eliot REACT.
A drug-free, youth leadership club for Clinton residents. All Clinton youth grades 9-12 are eligible to join Morgan REACT.
Suicide prevention is a key focus for us. We know communication is vital for effective prevention on such a tragic and complex topic. Learn more about our free training and community programs.
The primary purpose of Clinton’s JRB is to help prevent Clinton youth under the age of 18 who have committed their first criminal offense avoid contact with the Juvenile Justice System.
Home Alone is a twice-a-year class for kids and parents to learn basic safety tips for staying home without adult supervision.
Providing a space to learn and practice leadership skills that will help in life and to their development into respected young males within their school and community.
Low-cost, half-day camps for youth aged 5-13, plus leadership opportunities for young teens. This program is for families of school-age children who don’t require or don’t want a full-day camp experience.
Yearlong program based at Morgan, which pairs 11th graders with real-world experiences in a career of their choice. All 11th graders at Morgan are eligible.