860-669-1103 | humanservices@clintonct.org
Browse our many programs, resources, and assistance services. We’re here to help you and your family get the support you need.
Clinton Human Services is here for all. Together, we make our town even greater by connecting our neighbors with services, referrals, information, and relationships.
We are Clinton strong. Read touching stories and comments from your Clinton neighbors on the impact that Clinton Human Services has had on their lives.
Personas de todas las edades y etapas de la vida cruzan nuestras puertas y encuentran un apoyo y una asistencia amables, sea cual sea la situación. Se sorprenderá de lo que podemos hacer y de lo contentos que estamos de hacerlo. Entre.
People at every age and every stage of life walk through our doors and find friendly support and assistance, no matter the situation. You may be surprised at what we can do and how happy we are to do it. Come on in.
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Human Services Director 860-664-1158
Social Services Coordinator 860-669-7347
Social Services Asst. 860-669-7347
Program Coordinator 860-664-1154
Admin. Asst. 860-664-1157
Coalition Coordinator: PiC + REACT 860-664-1142